Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New York City

Starting out with a McDonald's bacon, egg and cheese bagel sandwich, we started out to DC. Courtney, Catherine, Kevin and me. After $22 in tolls, gas, high school mixes 2 and 3, a singalong to The Last Five Years and a couple wrong turns... I looked out the window to see The Statue of Liberty. Gotta love her. It's been awhile since I've seen it. It's almost so odd to think that its there, in the middle of the water. I love it.

We found Kate's apartment, a parking spot and hauled our belongs up FIVE FLIGHTS of stairs. You think we were camping out for weeks.
I went to the NY MOMA, which just puts the SFMOMA to shame. Starry Night, Seurat, Picasso etc etc etc etc etc. It was so overwhelming, which really fits to the theme of the entire city. Sort of overwhelming with a lot of people going a lot of places. Make sense? We ate lunch at Carnegie's Deli. OMG it was AMAZING. For a girl who knows her sandwiches... it has to be this, and Domini's in Spokane. But really, what could beat the famous Carnegie's Deli?

We wandered around the Village, found Magnolia and the Marc stores. We went to Century 21 where I bought leg warmers. We went back to Kate's to prepare for the evening. I somehow ended up dancing in my dress and tights, Chris and Marcelo came over and we headed out to the village. Steph met up, Miranda met up, Ryan Mekenian met up. It was so much fun!! The night ended with the cab dropping us down the block at the 24 hour pizza place, me eating...2 or 3 slices of pizza in bed surrounded by 10 pillows and Kate lovingly shoving a peanut butter bar in my mouth. Delicious. Amazing.

Sunday we woke up and saw the Fantasticks. Which was amazing! Then we all headed our separate ways. Steph and I to shop and look at Bryant park. And we met back up at Carmines, a family style Italian restaurant, where 10 of us spend 4 hours eating pasta, talking, debating..(though some from the West may call it arguing) and loving it.
I'm so glad I got to see Steph, even if it was for a short while.

Monday was my last day in DC. court and I shopped around Georgetown and got the keys to her new apartment! Which I am going to have to go back to and see. :)

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